Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that everyone has the best day today filled with turkey, family, and good times! Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, and at this time each year I start to become very sentimental and reflect back on the events of the year and all that I am grateful for. Here's my top list (in no particular order):
  • Christopher for always keeping me in check and putting all of daily crisis' into perspective.
  • My two big brothers and parents, for being more supportive of everything that I do than anyone else. I'll throw my nieces and nephews into this one too....
  • I am grateful that I have a job, and work with people that I absolutely adore!
  • The movies, that will be a nice distraction later when we all get sick of each other :)
  • For my little business, that has given me confidence and so many wonderful opportunities and clients that keep my on my toes by challenging me in so many different ways.
  • My oldest favorite friends who have been my personal cheerleaders since forever.

Have a great day everyone, and please be safe!

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