Friday, July 24, 2009

What the blog!?

I have been, needless to say, a little missing in action these days...I have been having a whirlwind of emotions that I thought I'd explain. In October I graduated from grad school, my parents relocated to a new town, the relationship I thought was going to last a lifetime ended, I started dating again, I got ripped off by 3 separate clients!, I nearly went bankrupt, and sometimes I feel completely lost and discouraged! Though my circumstances have been up and down these past few months, I still feel very optimistic that things will turn out exactly the way I want them to and I am officially turning over a new leaf in both my personal and professional life...One of the first things I've been working on is myself. My mind, body, and spirit all need some improvement and slowly but surely I am getting to a better place. I started working out a few nights a week, I'm surrounding myself with positive friends - old and new, and I'm watching my diet. The second thing and the most exciting thing that I am going to do in just a few weeks is have a personal boudoir session done by Jones Photo Art. I think that this is going to do wonders for my self esteem and I can't wait to show you all the final photos! I really want my business to be successful, so I am strategically revising my business model to better suit my client base. So in a nutshell, that's what's been going on! It helps me to write about it and get it all out in the open. I know that things will turn around, I just hope it's sooner than later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go Girl! I'm sorry to hear about your loser clients that ripped you off-karma comes back my friend and if not I am available to break some knee caps for you ;) Can't wait to see the boudoir sessions! Don't ever forget how amazing you are or how amazing your work is. Love ya!
Marisa Trujillo Jacques